Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang

Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Prehouseman Attachment at USM (Day 13)

Assalamualaikum dan semoga kita sentiasa berada dibawah lindungaNya Amin:)

1)Join HO teaching with fellow ONG HOs and a professor at ONG department.


Important points taken about PPH;

a)As HO, must identify the patients that have high risk to develop PPH after labor and must anticipate :
-Grand multipara
-advanced maternal ages
-Twins pregnancy
-maternal obesity

b) Precipitate labor in patient drinking air selusuh, ubat selusuh (minyak kelapa dara, bunga kembang semangkuk, bunga manjakani)

-if the os 2cm but contraction like 7cm, must ask the patient if she takes air selusuh.

c) cases of prolonged labor such as,
-operative VD trauma as forcep

-Hx postpartum Hge
-retained placenta/membrane
-pt previous cs
-pregnancy with fibroid
-pt with coagulation (DIC)
-prolonged administration of pitocin

d) Treatment of PPH:
-uterine massage (first plan)
-snytometrin (oxytocin)
-if fail give hemabate up to 8cc
-balloning as Bakry ballon (must ask sister because usually nurse kept this in her room because quite expensive)
-Foley's cathether ( 3 way cathether red color)
-B lynch suture done by MO or registrar
-ligation of artery (rare and dangerous) because tortous int. iliac vein.
-hysterectomy (last choice)

e) In manual removal of placenta, if clot more than 500ml, call MO and call for help.

*if 300ml only dont call MO yet.
**1 kidney dish 150ml
**1 blue sheet : 500ml

f) Pitocin sometimes in bolus (not unit cc) because in PPH want good contraction then maintain by drop.

!!!TAKE NOTE!!! ----> 14 days MIA, automatic will be expelled without any reasons. But can apply back apply in MMC & SPA within 2 years.

2) Enter dengue at emergency department to see how clerking the dengue cases and review.

Example clerking dengue cases page 1

page 2

page 3

page 4

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