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Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang

Friday, October 25, 2019

Prehouseman Attachment at USM (Last Day)

Assalamualaikum dan semoga kita sentiasa berada dibawah lindunganNya.:)

1) Observe OGDS(oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy).

2) Observe MO doing TAS

3) Attend HO teaching at ONG department.


  • In low lying placenta, GP claimed the patient having it at 20 weeks gestations and plan to repeat the scan at 32 weeks. The mistake of GP is he should do the scan at 28 weeks because LUS form at 28 weeks.
  • In placenta previa, must:
-Must do general examination of patient ( detect sign of anaemia)
-Detect the lie because placeta previa mostly lead to abnormal lies.
-Must exclude abruptio placenta.
-Can do PSE (perspeculum examination) on placenta previa but must place on front only to look at the cevix not in advanve manner. (can see cervical mass or erosion)
-Must do TAS then TVS
-Must admit to PREM (premature room) for close observation eventho the patient not having contraction pain or bleeding. //In district or ward must place in acute cubicle for close observation also)
-Can SVD in condition with no PV bleeding, If bleeding persists, must CS

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