Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang

Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang

Friday, October 25, 2019

Prehouseman Attachment at USM (Day 18)

Assalamualaikum dan semoga kita sentiasa berada dibawah lindunganNya amin :)

1) Observe specialist and MO doing the colonoscopy in patient having colon polyp.

2)Entering operation room, observing the Lower segment caeserian section (LSCS) and suturing the uterus and surgical sites.

3) Perform blood taking on pregnant mother.
* Taking blood in pregnant mothers usually are very easy because most vessels are in vasodilatation state.

4) Observe MO perform TAS (transabdominal scan) on pregnant mother.

5) First time in my life, successfully delivered my first placenta. Alhamdulillah I did it well.


  • After artificial rupture of membrane (ROM) using amniohook if suspicious CTG for eg deceleration, must anticipate the patients worrying if patient having chorioamnionitis / fetal distress. Must inform MO STAT.
  • If patient coming with rupture of membrane (at home) must compulsory do PSE (perspeculum examination) to detect the leaking is blood or liquor.
  • Risk of GDM in Malaysia are mothers above 24 years old ( exclude the written ages in antenatal book 35 years old), family history. 
  • MOGTT done in A DAY  fasting and 2 hours postprandial during antenatal.
  • In pregnant woman, must set line in hand . Taking blood must do at area of cubital fossa because at dorsal of hand must reserve for line (fluid / medications)
  • To preparing CTG on mother :  -Put the CTG on upper abdomen. Another probe on fetal back (to make sure, look for baby heart rate in CTG screen)
  • When patient arrive in labor room, firstly must set line, prepare CTG for the patient, ready to plot partogram, doing documentation of the patient, V/E vaginal examination and prepare the labor set.
  • After baby had delivered, clamp the cord near the vagina to detect the sign of palcental delivery ( lengthening of cord) and clamp the cord near the baby's umbilicus to cut the cord while reciting selawat for Islam.
  • In cases of ANC (history of placenta retention) must observe carefully the time 30minutes maximum for delivery of placenta. If more than 30 minutes must call MO .
  •  In delivery of placenta, after finished massage the uterus till uterus feel hard and globular, when want to pull the placenta, must do C traction on lower pubis in order to prevent prolapse of cord.
  • Details must written in BSH when doing TAS :
-singleton, breech
-placenta US, no retroplacenta clot
-FH seen by mother/ shown to mother (must ask mother, "Puan nampak tak jantung baby?"
-BPD (Biparietal diameter) 5.95 (24W2D)
-HC (Head circumference) 21.51 (23W4D)
-AC (Abdominal circumference) 18.73 (23W4D)
-FL (Fetal length) 4.39 (24W3D)
-AFI (Amniotic Fluid Index)  *must take atleast 3 area
-EFW (Estimated Fetal Weight ) 639g

*Everytime write all the items found in TAS, must write in bracket the  period eg  (BPD (Biparietal diameter) 5.95 (24W2D)
  • Difference between POA (period of amenorrhea) and POG (period of gestation)
-POA taken from LMP (Last menstrual period)
-POG taken from REDD (Revised expected date delivery)

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